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Posts posted by Illnab1024

  1. Another one...

    Say I write out some text like"Blahity Blah". Now if I click even to one pixel right of the space before say "t", it will select the area between "t" and "y".

    Best viewable on larger font sizes.

    I know that this is solely when writing text on a surface, and nothing else(like other text boxes)

  2. Note it is a 1024x768 image down there.

    I was making a visual effect for a sunrise avi (frame by frame, I have too much spare time and too little money) that required 60x60 squares, when I realised that the "Size: " tip tool text at the bottom of the window (found while using many tools, in this case a rectangle draw tool) followed the mouse cursor, rather than what was rendered on the screen. I am wondering if there is a possible workaround, and if so, when will it be implemented?



    Edited because I forgot to put the image in.

  3. Oh Boy...that's pretty.

    It's growing up.

    I know I am downloading Alpha 1 (how far away?).

    Where is "Units:" by the unit selector?

    What all will be local to the Image? I know the history, zoom, viewing position, layer selection, etc. should be, but what about what could be, like the tool selected, tolerance, anti-aliasing settings, alpha blending settings, primary and secondary color?

    I'm glad to know that not a substantial amount of the GUI was changed compared to what could have been with a swtich to MDI.

    I now know why you ducked. I threw enough at you.

  4. You know, CMD, with proper css and overly extensive use of position: absolute, and a good chunk of javascript, it is very feasible.

    my best shot would be to make a normal Paint.NET interface using position absolute, many graphics, and too many div's. A background would give the normal and unclickable graphics, like the floating boxes and XP background. And then use div's and absolute positioning to make the clickable elements, then applying the onClick or onMouseOver attribute to create text inside of a div below the entire image with tip text.

  5. Curse rapid obsolitude (Is that a word? obsoletity doesn't sound right)

    And yes, I'm back in IE. (I use it because it is in the start menu, and Firefox is there, but the big red fox scares my mouse cursor, so I can't click it.... Who am I kidding. I use IE because I am used to it. (And it's friendly to my sloppy javascript. I'm used to CSS with it, also. I don't make my script nor style with other browsers' special tags (moz-radius stuff like that).

    I forgot to comment aatwo's last comic strip and I am agreeing with born2kill when I say...what?

    Sure it puts Jesus in underpants and makes him look stupid, but still...why?. Not that I am offended as a happy protegnostic, but WHY???.

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