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Rle last won the day on July 11 2023

Rle had the most liked content!

About Rle

  • Birthday 03/05/1957

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Community Answers

  1. Quote from Microsoft Store If you buy Paint.NET in the Windows Store, you'll be supporting its development directly (normally we ask for a donation). You will get the convenience of fast, easy installation onto all of your Windows devices along with fully automatic, behind-the-scenes updates with all the newest features, improvements, and fixes.
  2. Maybe this helps: Seashell texture | Paint.Net Fans (proboards.com)
  3. Super statement, but not family-friendly. Ever thought that not everyone has even money for a new computer over.
  4. A Nonagon Shape is in PDN , see -> https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ShapeTools.html
  5. It does work with german keyboards , if you press the the right keys . "Alt Gr" + "[" or "]" or "Strg" + "Alt Gr" + "[" or "]" (for larger size changes) (on a german keyboard is Strg = Ctrl) And I strongly recommend ;
  6. What about Liquify ? There are more "warp" plugins , A nice place to search online for Plugins : Plugin Index and here as plugin for Paint.NET : Plugin Browser (enter as keyword : Warp)
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