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Posts posted by lynxster4

  1. Thank you Max & Red. Combining the love of gardening with photography & PDNing is so therapeutic :D


    A fellow gardener posted a photo that his father-in-law took of his desert rose & gave me permission to create a wallpaper. 


    Curly lines & the background was the roses in a smaller image Splinter Blurred at max & then resized. The heart is one that I created ages ago & used Colour Tint. 




    BBQ, I just love all your wallpapers! You have a distinct style going on. I would be proud to have them grace my computer.    B)

  2. Very pretty! The holly is just so pretty - agree with Red :D The cup is cool too. Those cookies (we call them biscuits in Australia) look yummy. I can almost feel the texture of the icing cracking as I take a bite :P


    Thank you, BBQ!   :)    I realize now that I lost my depth when I rotated the cookies to match the perspective of the rest of the picture. So......I have very thin, crisp cookies (biscuits)!    ;)

  3. WOW! I'm blown away, Limon!   5187.gif           I can't wait to try this!  The gemstone looks fabulous!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    (P.S.  You should edit your post on my faceted gem thread and add a link to this tut.)

  4. Great results Lynxster4! B)

    I'm glad you found some of the techniques useful and pleased you are experimenting with other ideas too.

    Save those 'turkeys' and come back to them in a few weeks - you may see them differently. ;)


    Thank you, Red. I'm glad you liked them.   :)


    I will most definitely revisit my 'turkeys' at a later date.  I never delete anything!    :lol:

  5. @Red...this wasn't as easy as I first thought. After studying your tutorial, I realize the possibilities are endless!


    After tinkering for a day-and-a-half, this is what I came up with (and these are the decent ones...I had a few 'turkeys' that I scrapped):





    I started to follow your tut and then just did my own thing.





    This one is an attempt at a photoshop tut I found online; no directions, just pictures only. That was a real challenge! (I used Cookies' PSEmboss on this one...thanks, Cookies!)



    Thank you so much Red for writing this tutorial; it has given me a better understanding of some things in PDN that I was unsure of.    :star:  :star:  :star:  :star:  :star:         :)

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  6. These shapes are great! Thank you Lynxster for creating and sharing them  :cake:  :mtdew:



    That is fabulous, Limon!    :)   


    You should do a tut on this. I haven't yet had time to even tinker with my shapes....I really can't do anything till the weekends.


    The setting is real nice, too. And you captured the translucence of the gem...WOW!    :star:  :star:  :star:  :star:


    Thank you for sharing!

  7. Both are trivial to add to the plugin.

    Do you need/want a Color Wheel, or would using the primary color be sufficient?


    When I saw this plugin my mind immediately thought of CADD (computer aided drafting & design). They have some varying line width and different colors for different layers.


    :star:  :star:  I really would like a Color Wheel (it would cut out a step; I can change the color using Curves), if possible; I think it would aid the users in creating more beautiful art pieces.


    Line width...not so important. I can use Object -- Outline Object to achieve some variations in width.


    Thank you, TH!

  8. Can't claim credit for that opal -- it was from the linked tutorial. I just played with the colors somewhat, since I have seen Australian "black" opals and really liked some of the colors.


    <g> Another Lynx!


    I tried to link to the opal tut and there's no link. I was interested in exploring it as I had just released a faceted gemstone pack in the Shapes forum, and thought I could get some ideas.    :)


    Yes, another lynx.....an old childhood nickname.    :mrgreen:

  9. Toe_head, you're always thinking up new things!     :beer:  :pizza:  :mtdew:


    I use isometric graph paper at my job for quick sketches of piping and ductwork out in the field.


    Question 1: Is it possible for you to vary the line width a little? Nothing too drastic, Maybe a slider from 1 to say 10px?


    Question 2: Is it possible to choose a color other than the default black?


    I appreciate all your plugins, TH, thank you!

  10. Hey, thank you for the shapes! If there is a tutorial anywhere for us to learn how to do this, please point it out and what a great educational cause, too! Thanks for the gems!  If I ever learn how to do that I'll post them here! A lot of really good varieties. thank you, Lynxster4


    You're welcome, Lydia! I'm also trying to find a good tut on this. I've read a couple of them but the directions were not that clear and they were for photoshop.

    Glad you like them!     :mrgreen:      If I find a good one, I'll let you know.


    These are really good!... I can put my carborundum wheel away now :D

    Thanks for sharing B)

    (I had a quick try shading one of the gems but I think I can get it better)


    Thank you, Red!     :beer:       This will be a bit of a challenge for me.

    If you do shade one that you are happy with, I'd love to see it!      :mrviolet:

  11. I have a thing for smilies that has sometimes upset a few people, but I can't help using them when I have them at hand don-t_mention.gif

    I assume they are a minority though, and one can't please everyone anyway meeting.gif


    Thanks for the link! Looks like Lydia's been setting up a most promising project. Likey! Laie_98.gif


    Smileys are no problem with me...I love them! Have a rather large collection myself.


    Keep checking Lydia's website as she adds more things.   dancing_zpseoua20dg.gif

  12. Hi everyone!


    I have a faceted gemstone pack I just created. I thought it might come in handy when learning how to properly shade gemstones.


    Please note that these shapes are not intended to be used as 'Filled Shapes'. They were intended to be used in 'Outline Mode' only. 'Filled Shape with Outline' works, but that kind of defeats the purpose of learning how to shade gemstones.


    I don't know how to shade gemstones, so I'll be learning right along with you!


    I hope you enjoy my pack.     :)





    :star:  :star: Pack is now available in the first post  :star:  :star:



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