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Posts posted by Seerose

  1. Oh Seerose these are just beautiful! The very first one is my fave. What lovely colours!


    Oh...my...gosh, Seerose! Such stunning art! The tree image is just so cute. I love how you added that little person.


    So much wonderful use of colours here, such a joy to view your art Seerose, thank you for sharing with us :)


    Dear barbieq25, HELEN and sashwilko!  zkk9yfck.gif


    Many many thanks for your positive reply.   <3

  2. Seerose, no need to uninstall anything. The old version of the program will be automatically deleted & replaced with the newer one. You will need to get some updated versions of the 4.0 plugins. Your computer will ask you if you want to replace the files etc. Just say yes & you should be ok.


    Gamuci, is this relating to transparent gradients? There is a thread that deals with that. You can do a search for it. Or maybe some other kindly soul will point you in the right direction. :D


    @ Many many thanks barbieq25 5woxp8ak.gif

  3. I am pleased if you can help me. Thank you.

    Should I just uninstall version 3.5.11 plugins, or simply upgrade.


    My System requirements:

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1

    Prozessor: Intel® Core i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz 2,30 GHz

    Installed memory (RAM): 4.00 GB

    System type: 64-bit Operating System

    Pan and Touch: No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display


  4. @Seerose - I was very nervous, like you, to change over to v4.  I finally did it a couple of days ago and, like @Rick and @BBQ said ......... " You will like it".


    Yes, I like it ..... I wish I'd done it sooner.  It is fast and very nice.  Yes, a few things you will need to get used to..... like the Rectangle Select movement for me ...... but with some practice, you can begin to learn the amazing changes v4 offers.  You will see ............... @Seerose ................ and you will like it.  Trust us and don't be nervous :D .  It's time to take the 'Plunge' smiley-excited001.gif  We're here to help if you encounter problems.


    @Dear Pixey! b4qcae9f.gif


     I have not much idea of the PC and technology. 

    Therefore, do not trust me. Because 1x crash and had had to re-install the whole pc.
    I believe the new 4.0 version is much better than current version is 3.5.11.  
    Again thank you for your effort and reply.
  5. Seerose, now that 4.0 has been released, you will need to upgrade to have any questions answered on the forum. You can still use it but any technical questions will not be answered on previous versions. Also some newer plugins may not work on previous versions. 


    4.0 is great! Not an issue if you have Windows 7 or above. 


    You can do it. Trust yourself :D IF you get stuck we can help you.  <3


    Dear barbieq25! Thank you very much. I am aware of the new plugins are only for 4.0

    My Windows 7 Home Premium SP1. Therefore, unsure whether I am doing the right thing.

  6. Pdn4 has landed! - everyone that can update, should!

    However, is it wise to remove access to the safe (virus free & legal) 3.5.11 and plugins that work with it?

    Would it not be possible to move all 3.5.11 compatible only plugin versions and a 3.5.11 download link to dedicated 'archive' thread?. This thread could also be used to extol the benefits of v4 and explain that v3.5.11 is no longer supported and user questions won't be answered.

    The reason: Users that cannot install v4 will simply go to that Australian pirate site, get malware and blame Pdn.

    Yes XP is obsolete, Vista and Win7 (without SP1) are not. Additionally, Pdn is ideal for new users and younger people to learn about computer graphics - these are exactly the people who won't have the latest hardware or the experience to avoid bogus sites.

    Please do consider.



    Red ochre! Thank you for the clarification. (but available on pirate sites) Never, never, never. 

  7. Such gorgeous works, Seerose. Absolutely perfect!


    I'm amazed at how you manage to do such perfectly colored pieces.  They are so pretty and great use of the plugins too :)


    Dear HELEN & Pixey!  <3 I still have version 3.5.11. 

    Version 4. I dare myself not to do. I want to wait and see. Thank you all for your positive feedback.
  8. I know I am getting old and do not notice some things right away but are the ads at the top and bottom of the forum pages new?  I do not remember seeing them before this week. I use Google Chrome and recently turned off the setting that allowed Flash players to automatically start when viewed so maybe doing so also turned off an ad blocker? Or I just need new glasses,heh,heh.


    I have to be more careful now so that I don't accidentally click one of them.


    You are perfectly right. Top and bottom side completely different. I also use Google Chrome.

  9. Amazing works once again Seerose, I love your colours that you use. The football looks highly realistic. Your planet is very cool too, also your comp entry. B)

    @DrewDale! The soccer with Gridmaker and Shape 3D made. I love using colorful colors create. Thank you for encouraging answer.



    The last one with the fractured pink ice is my fave. Well done on all of them, Seerose.

    @barbieq25! Was thanks Got that gives you. Are you my role models. Many many Thanks.

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