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Posts posted by Seerose

  1. I found this neat trick from the Smudge tool pyrochild made.



    @FotoFactory! It is so very cool, thank you. 


    I too have been using this method to paint my portraits, as I can use skin texture brushes with the smudge :)

    Dear Pixey! I need your help: I've been using the same name 2 Paint.Net folder. Which folder? Right or left? l4vy4vjk.gif

  2. Me too. I find the clone tool one of the trickiest ones to get used to so I rarely use it. When I was first learning PDN though I found this video very helpful. I know it is nearly 7yrs old now and he is obviously using a much older version of PDN but the principles are the same as the Clone tool has not changed much,if at all, in all that time.Hope it helps. ;)



    " I found this video very helpful." Thanks a thousand.

  3. Thanks so much @Red, cc4 Skully, DD & BBQ for your very kind comments :D .


    @Seerose - I hope this helps you out ............... and it's so cool you are trying it out :)


    Dear Pixey!  <3  You are  always nice to me. Yes, I found it very helpful Many thanks for your hard work. 66qn4rum.gifBest regards. 




    *  For filmstreifen I try next time.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Dear Pixey!  

    Thank you so much for this tutorial. Up to this point has worked. From there I do not come on. How shall I go on? 

    I have a problem with the curve tool. Please; can you help me? 8ro7yhja.gif





    10.   New Layer - With the line/curve tool draw a line, with Rounded Ends, and brush width #8, from the         

                                centre (hold down Ctrl) to the edge of the inner Reel gradient line.


                                 Do this 4 more times on new layers.


                    You can uncheck the guide line layer after making the first one, to see more clearly.


                     You should now have 5 lines on their own layers.  Number them from the bottom up.

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