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Website shadow

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Ok, so let me get this straight: You want to add a shadow behind an image but the Drop Shadow you are using doesnt work for you? If I am right, then go ahead and upgrade to Paint.NET v3.30 Beta 2. Now download Kris Vandermotten's effects. The updated Drop Shadow allows you to determine the widening radius creating much larger blurs. As well, the blur will have rounded edges. It will look times ten better than before.


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I am using the latest version with the latest version of the drop shadow effect. As you can see in the first image i posted at that link the shadow is not uniform. It looks just about ok on the lighter blue but is more like a glow than a shadow on the darker blue. The image the other person has responded with looks much better as it's definatley more of a uniform shadow but I can;t seem to figure out how that can be accomplished in paint.net

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Ok, how about this. Make your Pink Square thing on a seperate layer (which obviously you did). Now using the Magic Wand tool select the Pink Square. Add a new layer and fill in your selection with a dark blue. Now de-Select your selection and run Gaussian Blur at around 30. Move the dark blue layer behind the Pink Square.


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It looks like glow at the top because you are using too light a blue for the drop shadow. Try using black instead. If you still want the background's blue to show through, set the shadow layers blending mode to multiply.

If I'm wrong, then please answer this; what color are you using for the shadow?


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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