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While making a plugin that saved each layer individually, I tried using a FolderBrowserDialog but it showed up blank. This only happens in Paint.NET. Any help would be appreciated.



Actually, you're going to run into some serious problems trying to implement this. First is my strong dislike that you're ignoring the stream -- you're essentially misusing the file type plugin system.

However, beyond that, you're trying to show UI from the OnSave() method, which is strictly something you're not supposed to do. There's a reason I don't pass an IWin32Window to OnSave() !!! And, since OnSave() is executed on a different thread, it's going to be difficult or impossible to get UI running correctly in concert with the main UI. The fact that FolderBrowserDialog is "confused" just isn't very surprising to me.

I recommend you abandon implementing this until there is a plugin system that gives you more control over how image data is exported. You certainly must not publish this plugin on this forum -- I won't allow it. I'm not trying to be a jerk here -- I am paying close attention to what plugin authors are trying to do, and trying to incorporate feedback into future releases. It just makes many things worse when people "bend" the plugin system.

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