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To get paint.NET to work on WinXP...

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1. Run regedit.exe. 2. Change the Permissions for the Registry folders that Paint.NET would like to access: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE, My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (and any other Registry folder you see a Paint.NET folder sitting in AND any other Registry folder you think the Paint.Net software would like to access) 2. Delete all Registry folders beginning with the name "Paint.NET" (because we wanna do a clean install of Paint.NET Beta 2.6). 3. Remove any semblance of Paint.NET on your hard drive with with the utility Mr. Brewster recommended: http://support.microsoft.com/default.as ... -us;290301 and with the the Control Panel - Add or Remove Hardware program. 4. Delete any Paint.NET folders from C:\Program Files. 5. Install .NET Framework 2.0 (close all other programs that are open/running before performing step 5). 6. Install Paint.NET Beta 2.6 7. Since it's 2:17am, I may have missed a step here, so don't hesitate to correct my instructions and clarify any confusing prose I composed. Good luck and good night. Now, where's that bed?

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My apologies to all. I posted the topic after I couldn't find a solution in the forum regarding Paint.NET installation and XP Registry access issues. I should have used the topic title, "If Paint.NET installation hangs because of XP Registry access problems, then..." If a moderator could change the topic title, please do. If the topic is not useful as-is, please delete it. Thanks.

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