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Image sequences

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Whilst I understand that Paint.NET is not an animation package have you ever considered adding support for quickly working with images that are named as a numbered sequence?

There are very few paint packages that can do this and it would be extremely useful, especially with digital cameras saving out files as numbered sequences.

The only other windows paint package I can find that can do this is Dogwaffle and Cinepaint (Cinepaint is currently poorly supported on windows). There would be no need to add support for animation file formats it simply needs adding a load next or previous frame option, and potentially a flipbook viewer that caches images to memory for playback.

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i posted about making those sig bar things, and ive been tring to find a program that does animation aswell. i want to make the bars i make fade into each other. ive heard that hotoshop has somthing like that in it. it would be cool to have somthing like that in paint.net. ive found only one free program so far, but it doesnt give you any effects when changing pics. it just flips between them. its called microsoft GIF animator

thanks to crazy man dan for the great avatar and the tut on how to make it!!!!!!

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Yeah, animation is completely outside the scope of what Paint.NET is intended and designed for. I don't see how numbered sequences of images is within scope either.

The problem with supporting stuff like this is that it is a very "one off" function. It's only useful for 1 situation with 1 numbering format. Our goal is not to make Paint.NET a kitchen sink of one-off functionality. If anything we'd implement some scripting or macro ability instead, and then you could do a lot of "random" things like this.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Fair enough, I thought that would probably be the response. Hardly seems a "one off" though since there are other packages that support this exact function. It a shame they don't work better is all. It's not really animation as such just the ability to quickly work on a sequence. They wouldn't even need to be numbered if you think about it, just take the idea of globing in python.

You could make a sequence out of any folder of images and then the user can work through them retouching or painting or whatever.

Anyway some sort of macro or batch procedure is a must I think.

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I'm curious, if you're not looking for any animation ability in your request and don't even care if the sequence of images is numbered then why does simply loading each picture into a different layer and flipping through the layers not do what you want? Am I totally misunderstanding what you are saying?

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Well that is one way of doing it but it's very time consuming. If you work on images a lot you start to look for quicker ways to do things. Besides say the images you want to work on already have layers in them it gets very messy very quickly.

Photoshop has macros and they are very useful but I've always been frustrated by the way you have to run them on a whole folder of images in a linear manner. Then I came across Cinepaint which has this idea of a sequence manager which lets you go back and forth and randomly anywhere ina sequence and thought the idea was great, but it only works with numbered images. That was fine for me, but as the dev guys here say Paint.NET is not an animation package so it got me thinking why does it have to be for animation it is still useful when you have a large number of images to work on as long as you treat them as a sequence.

In fact I see another thread here on the exact same issue.


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