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unable to install or uninstall

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I've got a problem installing the 3.10 version of this product. I have winxp-sp2 and dot-net v2 installed. I have gone over the provided docs on install problems and performed the suggested tasks were applicable (repair/reinstall dot-net).

The error I get is something like this:

There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run.

Of course, there is no indication as to what was trying to run, what failed or what the error was.

Going through the forum here made me look a bit though, and I found an old entry for Paint.NET 2.7x something or other. Trying to uninstall that however gives me exactly the same error message, and of course leaves it in the list.

I think I may have simply trashed the files from the Paint.NET directory directly. I had no idea the installer was so fragile, but now I'm a bit stuck.

Anyway to figure out a) what it's looking for that it doesn't like?

B) how to make it skip that step

Or any other help.



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Did you try out all the steps listed in the big sticky thread? Or did they just not appear to pertain to your issue? Even if they don't look like they're applicable, they most likely are, so please try them out anyway.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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i had the same problem and managed to solve it on my computer. before i go any further i strongly advise you to consider alternative options given that this may screw up your machine's settings.

0) off the bat i went with the basics. trying to uninstall over Add/Remove Programs. this of course didn't work.

1) next step. i deleted the Paint.net folder in the Programs directory and tried a reinstall. one step closer, but still got an error during execution of the Installer file.

2) just to make sure there was no discrepancy between the .NET frameworks currently installed on my machine (different language packs for different frameworks screw up the system) i first uninstalled, then reinstalled {.net FW 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 beta}english (overkill. i know. )

- this did not solve the problem in my case but it cleared my concience.

3) openened up START --> Run... --> regedit and went over the registry with a flamethrower and some holy water

ie : i did a search for any entry, key or value with the word "paint" in it. any that i found which were related to paint.net i deleted . if there were any default keys in the same folder that were not directly related i left them alone (unless they spit at me or disrespected my lineage). (with the F3 button you skip to the next found entry. saves some time.)


- i opened the freeware prog CCleaner(http://www.ccleaner.com)

- on the registry tab selected "scan for issues"

- then selected "fix all"

- on the "Cleaner" tab ran it to clean up any trash left behind

................ after that i installed Paint.Net 3.10 . no problems during install or operation.

once again. if you do this you are messing with the registry. this can do serious damage so proceed with caution.

- G

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Do you have another copy of Paint.NET installed ?

If so are you trying to update using the build in updater for Paint.NET or are you trying to update by the .zip file ?

If you download Paint.NET in a zip file and are trying to update, make sure you uninstall any older versions of Paint.NET as you can't have any more then on Paint.NET install per drive.

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