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This is my first experience With PDN and I thought following the tuts online would be a good way to learn the program since the help section doesn't really explain things well enough to a first time user.... anyway I've been able to follow the steps pretty well until I got to the magic

wand part. I've been messing with this thing for hours and just can't figure out what it's suppose to do except maybe erase things...but I cant get it to do that either. Also can't understand what it means when it says to "magic wand" the inverted section. What is that? Was that one of the layers somewhere in the past and if so how do I find it again?

I thought the green red & blue wavy line thing was hard to figure but this step is really making me tear my hair

Any help will be greatly appreciated. TIA


I don't understand which tut you're talking about. You should hit "Post Reply" not "New Topic" so that the post gets onto the right thread. :-) Thanks!


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.


Just a note: People who make tutorials are regular forum members too. So, they may not be professionally made and easy to follow.

The magic wand tool is a selection tool to select a given pixel (where you click) and any pixels connected to it that are of a similar color. The tolerance bar (up top when some tools are selected, such as the magic wand) will allow you to choose how different such colors can be from the given pixel when you use the magic wand.

Click F1 in Paint.NET to display the help page. It should contain pages about the tools.

I don't understand which tut you're talking about. You should hit "Post Reply" not "New Topic" so that the post gets onto the right thread. :-) Thanks!

Sorry_ I thought I posted on the page where the I was following the instructions. :cry:

Just a note: People who make tutorials are regular forum members too. So, they may not be professionally made and easy to follow.

The magic wand tool is a selection tool to select a given pixel (where you click) and any pixels connected to it that are of a similar color. The tolerance bar (up top when some tools are selected, such as the magic wand) will allow you to choose how different such colors can be from the given pixel when you use the magic wand.

Click F1 in Paint.NET to display the help page. It should contain pages about the tools.

Thanks Hellfire :)

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