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Interprocess communication?


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Are there any IPC interfaces available or planned for PDN?

I am writing what I hope becomes the animated counterpart to PDN; I want it to be to PDN what ImageReady is to Photoshop. ImageReady and Photoshop have, as far as I remember, some interprocess stuff to allow images to go back and forth between the two. Is there any possibilty that another process could access document information in PDN through some IPC channel? This would be a good way for another application to take over document editing if it were to work on something that PDN is not designed for, such as producing animated images, normal maps for games, some sort of 3D editor that can directly import working textures from PDN, etc.

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I don't have anything directly planned for this. If the object model is opened up in general for scripting and more general purpose plugin use, etc., then IPC could easily be used as a layer on top of that. (example, write a plugin that exposes an IPC interface to the regular extensibility model)

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