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masking and clone

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I am serching for a stand alone or plug-in for good masking program.The only one good I found it is a plug-in for photoshop called "super mask pro"

Will any masking program will be available for Paint?

I really do not like photoshop,but have to use it to create a mask.

The other question it is related to "clone".

All clone programs are "blowing" the pixels around.

Is there any way to clone a pixel without "pushing aside" other pixels. It is annoying and most of the time look like a "dudu".


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For now the best thing you can get is the Alpha Mask Import plugin:


Here's a tutorial on how to use it (I myself haven't read it yet):


As for cloning without pushing pixels aside... erm.... you may want to read the quote in my signature (ignore the last part).

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Here's a tutorial on how to use it (I myself haven't read it yet):


I myself wrote it. :wink: If you have any questions on it, feel free to ask.

As fas as something automatic like Mask Pro... There's nothing of which I know that does that. As is stated on Mask Pro's website, hair and other non-solid masses are extremely difficult to mask out properly. The phrase "Bane of my existence" comes to mind...

As for your clone stamp question... I'm not really sure what you're trying to say.

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When you use a "clone" tool the pixels around of cloning point are being "pushed" aside in all direction.If you use a large brush size you will see distortion in pixels around.Then you have to come back from other side to "push" those pixels back.I am using a cloning tool a lot in photoshope or MGI and it is annoying.I wonder if someone wrote a "clone tool" what will clone a point of interest and placed it without pixels distortion.I am sorry ,but this is the best I can explain.

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