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* Effects Menu

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Would it be possible to make a new offshoot in the Effects Menu, perhaps called "Filters"

Then we can chuck in Pencil Sketch, Oil Painting, Portrait etc. I say this because my Effects Menu is filled to the brim with plugins that I've downloaded, and I'm not even an intense user like some people here who must surely have even more than I.

It could make things easier :D just a thought.

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Good idea that I would like very much too. So good an idea that something like it is mentioned in the most popular request topic. :wink:

>>Ability to organize/manage effects -- This one's interesting. Now that there are so many plugins available, people now need the ability to organize them, like into sub-menus or something. Will probably make it into a 3.x0 release (3.10? 3.20?)<<

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


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