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Paint.net without .net framework

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I used paint.net some time ago when it was at version 2.72, but i haved a sistem crash because of the sp2, and since the i am not updateing windows to sp2. I am not a programer, i am a 14 years kid, web designer, but i have a question. Couldnt you make it to work without net framework, and to work on xp without any sp? Then i could use it again and i like ti a lot. thanks


ok, i understand, thanks rick

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Short answer: no, and no.

You can't just "make it work without net framework." That's like asking BMW if they can manufacture your car without metal or plastic.

If you want to use Paint.NET 2.72 or later, then .NET 2.0 and XP SP2 are required. Simple as that.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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