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laso tool

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first of all i want to say that your program is fantastic.

i have some problems and maybe you can help me.

i'm working on a project and i want for some medical photos to make a tool like laso.then i aplly a mask/filter on the selected area.

i am newbie on .net and i don't understand very well the source code of paintdotnet.

i have tried to find the code behind the lassotool button but i didn't find it.

can u help me?

best regards

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thanks for your directions.i 've already seen this part of the code but allthough i wander if this series of code in LassoselectTool.cs ,if i can use them in vb.net so as to create a new LassoTool to use it in my project.

Do you know if there is a way to import LassoTool.cs in vb.net?

Thanks anyway for your time!

I hope you can help me in thefuture as well, and of course if i can do anything for let me know!

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Sorry, Paint.NET is all C# and there is no Visual Basic code in it. Our lasso tool is set up to use our architecture and is most likely not very understandable in the context of your application :?

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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