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Simpler print features

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WIA's printing wizard may seem like a slight mismatch with Paint.NET, but it's also a fully tested solution that implements everything necessary for printing with a minimal amount of code on our part. Any other solution that we would set out to do would take a long time to implement, debug, and test. And then we'd have all sorts of other bugs and requests from users over time that just wouldn't make it worth our time and energy in the first place.

Right now we only have 3 errors to deal with. The first is that the DLL isn't registered or available. The second is that the WIA service isn't running (generally only happens on Windows Server). The last is the the user isn't on Windows XP SP1, Windows Server 2003, or later. That's a pretty manageable number of errors. Implementing our own solution would balloon this number by a huge amount.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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  • 3 months later...

I know I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth but the lack of a normal printing feature is a very big downfall for me. I am working on an electronics project and needed to print a PC Board image and a control panel mask but couldn't with this program. The images were already the correct size and I can print with normal MS Paint and they come out the right size on my printer. But when I try to print with this program it wants to size them to full paper size or 5x7s or some other useless size. If there is a way around this, thats good. Otherwise, this program is worthless to me for that purpose and thats a shame.

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As a workaround have you considered saving your image file in Paint.NET and then opening it in regular Paint and using it's Print command to do your printing?

A mix of lil' brother helping big brother out in this case.

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  • 1 month later...

Not to beat a dead horse, but I heartily agree about ditching the print wizard. Did I miss something, or does the print wizard not permit you to print "at resolution" (I mean, "one dot per pixel")?

Other than that, glad to see the cut-and-paste between layers is fixed in 2.6RC1. Interface-wise...O.K., separate post....

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