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Palette to Image

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Hey I was wondering if someone could suggest a plugin or something that gathers all the colors within a given image and allows you to save the pallete in another image...If you seen a sprite sheet thats pretty much what Im asking for.It'd be cool if the colors were sorted by how dark it was and by RGB.If I didnt explain well let me know please

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Yes, there is a plugin for exactly this purpose. It's called "Selective Palette." I'll brb with a link to it...

EDIT: found it along with the rest of Curtis' plugin pack. Have fun! ;)

Edited by pdnnoob

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Yes, there is a plugin for exactly this purpose. It's called "Selective Palette." I'll brb with a link to it...

EDIT: found it along with the rest of Curtis' plugin pack. Have fun! ;)

Aww man THANK YOU SO MUCH you've just made spriting so much easier.Now I can just work without having to make a new layer and check if I have all colors mapped

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