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How does size suggestion work

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I have found that if I open up one of my 5meg pictures from my camera into Paint.net and then save it as a jpg file I get a resolution suggestion, say 62, and it saves at a very small size. sometimes 1/5th the size. It seems that paint.net always pics a size where the picture is just as sharp as it was when it was big.

How is this magic done?



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"Resolution suggestion" ? You're talking about the JPEG save configuration dialog? As in, the "Quality" slider?

There is no magic here. It never tries to determine a value other than what you've told it to use before. The default is 95.

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"Resolution suggestion" ? You're talking about the JPEG save configuration dialog? As in, the "Quality" slider?

There is no magic here. It never tries to determine a value other than what you've told it to use before. The default is 95.


I have a bunch of pictures from three different digital cameras. I open each one in Paint.net and then hit save as. The suggested size is frequently different. Ones from my camera are often 62% but sometimes 60, 85, etc. Quite often if I save at the suggested 62% I get a jpg about 1/10th the size of the original. However when I look at them both and zoom in on them both they are identical quality. That seems magic to me.

Regardless of the suggested percentage if I decrease that percent the picture will immediately begin degrading. If I increase that percentage the picture will not improve. I recently went through about 60 jpgs and it works this way for all of them except sometimes it suggests a higher percentage and, of course, the file size is larger in that case.


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