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Printing size problem

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I scanned a photo in to be edited, once I edited it when it comes to printing it wont come out the same size. My printing options are all about different frame sizes to put the photo into.

So I tried creating a new document where I set the size in centimetres, but when it comes to print how come I cant seem to get the option to print that size.

I'm probably missing something obvious.

Please help.

Thank you :)

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I've read that and I'm either blind or it is too much to take in because I cant see where it says how to change the DPI, or maybe I'm reading it wrong.

Is this saying if I increase/decrease the pixels I change the size?

Does that not render the print size width and height useless. I'm not sure I understand how the pixels make it ignore the print size i set in the resize option.

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The print size in inches or cm. is somewhat arbitrary.

For example, if an image is 960x960 pixels, it could

be sized at 10"x10" at 96 pixels per inch.

If a printer is configured to print at 300 DPI,

the image won't print as 10"x10".

It will print out as 3.2"x3.2" .

Edited by Sarkut
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Ah right I get you now.

I have found an alternative in saving image as a jpg, uploading it to the internet and printing it from website, that way it comes out actual size.

Thank you for your time and help

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  • 10 months later...


Paint.NET printing feature does not exists : it uses Windows build in wizard and it is a pure PAIN

Hopefully I still have a version of psp on my machine

So I use Paint.Net to edit image (more User Friendly than psp)

And I use PSP to print saved image from Paint.Net :(

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The desire for a better printing interface is already acknowledged in the Popular Feature Requests thread. No further discussion is needed at this time.

In addition, this particular thread is more than 10 months old, well past the three month dead-line stated in the Forum Rules. As such, this thread is locked.

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