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Pixel Competition #4 - Voting has ended!


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OK, now, I've decided on something that should raise the number of entries; it's going to be a "general" theme. That is to say, there will be no specific theme, you can enter any piece of art you want, as long as it was made specifically for the competition. I think the reason we've had so few entries is because:

a. People think pixel art is too hard.

b. The theme has been too specific and limiting.

By making it an open competition, we can solve both of these problems; what's that, you say - you do spacescapes, but you think pixel art is too hard? Then do a PIXEL ART SPACESCAPE! Yeah, you heard me - see what I mean?

As for how the theme for #6 will be decided, I've yet to work that out. Either the winner of #4 chooses, the winner of #5 chooses, or the winners or #4 and #5 collaborate to come up with a theme.

So... thoughts?

Edited by Rubrica
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That means we can make whatever we want for the next pixel art competition.

Thanks Rubrica!

I think you should give the winner of #5 a choice between choosing the next theme or allowing you to choose like you just did for #5.

Does this mean we can start our pixel art comp 5 entries now?

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nestoflo: No, sorry, that was just an example of how the open theme will encourage new people to enter.

pdnnoob: Hang on, I'll set the new topic up.

EDIT: Comp 5 is up! I've given you a much longer deadline this time, we'll see how that goes. I'll leave this unlocked for you to carry on congratulating the participants, but I'm moving it to the Archives.

Edited by Rubrica
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