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Photoshop style alpha channels in PDN

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I build 3D models for the game 4x4 Evo 2. The game uses tif files for model texturing in 256 color, indexed color mode. It also uses alpha channels for setting the opacity of the model, white being opaque and black, clear. The tif files I make in PDN are incompatible with the game, I have to open them up in PS and make a separate alpha channel. I've tried alpha mask with limited success, is there anything that will give a PS-like alpha channel ? If I can find a solution to this issue there will be quite a few coverts to PDN, the other builders and I have been looking for a good free art program. Here is a sample of what I do, its a replica of a truck for the early eighties. I built it completely from scratch, its about 40,000 vertices and 35,000 faces.


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If possible don't use TIF. Paint.NET's support for TIF is basic and "best faith effort" only. It's only included because GDI+ already has a codec for it.

I recommend using PNG instead.

Also I'm not sure what you mean by "Photoshop-style alpha channel." Paint.NET images always have an alpha channel since 32-bit RGBA is the only pixel format that it used internally. However, an alpha mask is not natively supported, which would essentially provide a 2nd alpha channel for a layer.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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I have to use tif format for this game, I wish I could change it too. When I open the PDN tif in PS it only shows the color layer, the alpha channel that is visible in PDN when you cut out something doesn't show up as a separate layer in PS. The game reads the PDN tif as a corrupt tif.

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TIFs don't actually support layers. They support pages, which is a different concept even if the storage for it is the same. TIF is good for saving a multipage FAX, for instance.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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