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How can I blend photo edge into background?

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I've been tinkering around with paint for a few days and love it so far. There's one thing that I haven't been able to figure out how to do. Is there a way to blend the edge of a photo into a background? I've included a sample image to show what I would be trying to do.


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I'll give this a go but I am sure someone with more skill will explain to better...

Import your photo to a layer.- Layer-Import file

Create a second layer. In the second layer pick a primary color and then have the secondary transparent value (0).-Tool bar-pick the blue box-then up on the tool bar above the canvas you will have 4 choices of how the grade will display-choose the first-apply.

You may need to invert the primary and secondary color values to the way you want to blend the photo to color.

Depending on how you want the image to look you can also shuffle the layers.

You can add several layers and add different colors and textures and fonts.-Layer tool box

You can also adjust the image with the crop tools for the canvas size and image size as well.-Image-

When you get what you want you can save as a pnd file which will keep the layers but only read in paint, or jpge which will compress the layers and read by other programs.-File-save as-

Hope this helps


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