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x64 msi wont install on 64bit

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the 64 bit msi that is created by the installer with the createmsi option wont install on 64bit machines. It says the package is actually 32bit and cant be installed in a 64bit platform. However the 32bit msi it created deployed prefectly to 32bit machines that i got from the same command.

I did the createmsi on a 64bit machine, if that makes a difference?

Thanks again


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I was unable to reproduce this -- it worked just fine on this Win7 x64 system. The type of system you use to run /createMsi does not matter, as far as I know. (I've never received any other reports of this nature.)

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Oddly enough this was the error message.

Product: Paint.NET v3.35 -- 32-bit MSI may not be installed on 64-bit OS.

Future digging turned out that the 64 bit uninstaller was trying to uninstall a failed install of 3.35 that really was installed on the machine. MsiExec was checking HKCR\Installer\UpgradeCodes\04F04A40702A84B4EA7DA65A234E2357.

Since I was sure this wasnt installed I cleared that key, and it installed fine. I don't know why the new install tried to uninstall something that never installed in the first place.

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