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Line Tool with more anchor points

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I was just wondering if there was a pluggin out there for a better line tool, something similar to Gimp or Photoshop, where you can select the path and have more anchor points. Just curious, those other programs I just can't get the hang of, I really like Paint.Net, easy to use lots of pluggins, etc.

Also one other question, sometimes when I open files, I get not of memory error to open, only happens when files a very large like 20+ MB, anyway was wondering if its something my Paint.Net (v3.36) or my computer.

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Thanks Simon, I do plan on updating but I heard that a lot of the pluggins do not work for new version, that's why I have not updated it, but if that's not true then I will get the latest version. Does the new version of Paint.Net have a plugin I spoke of in my first post.

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Hey Thanks Shedder :) , I use this program a lot, I paint graphics for the Sim Racing community and in the middle of a lot of projects, so I just didn't want to lose any of the useful pluggins that I always need, such as gradients, drop shadow, outline object, blur tools, and one of my favorites the Silhouette Plus tool.

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