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Hello together

I am looking for someone who has them interested and have fun designing a Logo for my Homepage, and a Header. My site is not commercial. I created this Site for fun for my Passion Fishing

I've tried it myself, my can is very limited.

The theme of my website is fishing. The logo / header should fit the topic of fish and look natural. No cartoons or something. The logo I'd like the flag of the Canton Thurgau.


This is my current Header:

http://www.fischen-im-thurgau.ch/templa ... Header.jpg

My page: http://www.fischen-im-thurgau.ch

The logo / header should look like, if possible, to fit my site

I hope you understand everything, I translate with google. If anyone has interest because I would be happy about it. Best regards from Switzerland and an happy new Year, Banjoo

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