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Need help with 4:3 ratio image conversion

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I hope this is appropriate place to ask a question. A guy who works at Office Depot told me to download Paint so I can do this project: I am scanning hundreds of print (you know the kind back in the day that came from film development?) and need them to be 4:3 ratio in order to put them in digital frames. So I download paint and figured out to use canvass resize to do the job. But can't open the file because windows says: doesn't recognize image and can't be opened--I had already converted all of them to JPEG images. Supposedly has something to do with this "3 file" something or other. Anyway, I'm no graphic artist--all I want to do is get the hundreds of prints I've scanned in a 4:3 ratio so I can put them onto digital frames for Christmas gifts. If someone can take pity on a graphically challenged person and tell me what to do, I will be very grateful and promise to never appear here again. Thanks in advance for your understanding. Angelique

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Not able to help you but if you change your thread title to something like help with converting 4:3 ratio.

A more descriptive thread title gets you help faster & saves you getting a message from the moderators.

I hope someone can help you.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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thanks for the suggestion. Tried to attach one of the converted images that I can't open with Windows, and got "the extension 2 is not allowed." I'm starting to think this project may be over my head. I converted all of the scanned prints to jpegs to make them smaller and I'm just going to load them like they are. Most are ok, but those that are not in 4:3 display poorly, but seems I can't fix that. thanks again.

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