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Overlapping images

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I am trying to design a logo with some text in the center which is surrounded by flowers which are overlapping one another.

Is the best way to do this to just begin with an image of a flower and turn the b/g transparent and then paste a copy of the flower itself around the logo ?

Not sure whether to use the magic wand tool on the b/g or the lasso tool on the flower. Some of my images do not have a single colored b/g so selecting the b/g with magic wand is an ordeal.

Thanks, Mickmac

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try putting the flowers on separate layers, and run the drop shadow plugin on them.

As for you wanting to get rid of certain parts and the magic wand is selecting too much try playing with the tolerance on it


also if that doesn't work try tracing the outline of the objects you want to keep on a new layer, then use the magic wand to select inside the area you traced, then press ctrl+I to invert the selection, now go back to the first layer and press del.

hope that helps,



"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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Not sure what I am doing wrong, but when I try to paste an image on top of another image the background is showing, where it should be transparent. When I saved it as a PNG and viewed the image the b/g was a grey and white checkered pattern, and when I saved as a JPG the b/g was white.

I experimented with the magic wand tolerance level but that made no difference. I live in Thailand but I am in Australia at the moment and all my tutorials are at home (printed on paper)

I am sure I had a tutorial at home which explains how to place an image on top of another image and not be able to see the b/g. Would anyone know where to find this tutorial ? Not sure what it is called.

Thank you, Mickmac

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Okay i see your problem. You have to make sure the other image you save is .PNG format because png supports transparency, JPG does not support transparency hence the white background on it. Make sure you put the image you want to overlap on a new layer.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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