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star, spiral

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rotation angle in degrees

number of points

inside diameter (hopefully in different kinds of dimensions, such as px, in, pt, etc)

outside diameter (hopefully in different kinds of dimensions, such as px, in, pt, etc)

fill color

border color

antialias on/off or amount?

corner rounding amount 0-n maybe do with both slider and numeric entry for repeatability and easy of use.

thickness (pt, px, in, pica, etc)


inner start angle (amount): specifies the inner start point. allows for a "hole" in the spiral. should be specified with both slider and number entry for repeatability.

number of reps. should be specified with both slider and number entry for repeatability. slider would be nice.

outer end angle (amount): specifies the outer end point. should be specified with both slider and number entry for repeatability.

thickness (pt, px, in, pica, etc)

antialias on/off or amount?

preferably, these shapes should be created as vectors and by the user could later convert the vector layer[/shape?] to raster so that parts such as the inner diameter can be filled. If they can be implemented as both raster and vector, great.

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jmichae3, you can draw stars with one of the plugins in my plugin pack (link in sig). It is not quite as flexible as the star plugin you are requesting.

Maybe you should consider learning how to write plugins so that you can write your own. (I'm not saying this to be rude, we could always use more plugin writers.) There is lots of help learning how to write plugins. Check the CodeLab thread in the Plugin forum for downloads and tutorials.

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