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Hey Everyone. :D

Im quite new here, and everyone has been talking about rendering. I haven't got a clue what that is. :oops: I had been searching around the forums and found an amazing signature that I had to try out. Too bad I only got to the third step because I had trouble with, as the creator wrote it, "Crop the render and paste it into the signature."

Could anyone tell me what a render is?

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Hi KitKat!

Don't be alarmed and beat yourself up, I was not sure what a render was at first either ;)

A render is basically an image that has a transparent background, so that you paste it into your project on a new layer and get working.

An example of a render is this: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... pos=-13620 You will have to make an account on there website in order to download their renders. :)

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