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Check out the Vignette plugin. Find it using http://searchpaint.net .

Does this help?


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.


is the picture already cropped into an oval, and do you want the background to be transparent?

If it is cropped into an oval and you want a colored background: (plugins needed:outline object)

1. make a new layer,

a) if your picture is already an oval: select the magic wand tool, and with that click on the part(s) of the picture surrounding the oval.

B) if your picture is not an oval, use the elipse select tool to select the area you want to be your picture. Include the parts of your picture you want to be faded. invert the selection. (ctrl-I)

(at this point, if your oval meets the edges of your picture, you will want to use the eyedropper tool to find the color of your background, and right click to set that color to your secondary color. Then go to image->canvas size, and increase the size of your image by 2 pixels vertically and horizontally. Under 'anchor' place the icon in the center box. hit OK. Now your image should not meet the edges of the canvas. You will want to repeat step 1.)

2. make a new layer, set the secondary color to be the background color you want, and press backspace. This should fill your selected areas with your intended background color.

3.go to effects>object>outline object, set the width to half the fading width you want, and the color to secondary. Hit OK.

4. Go to effects>blur>gaussian blur, and enter the fading width you want.

5. flatten (ctrl-shift-F)

If you want a transparent background: (plugins needed:outline object and alpha mask)

1. make a new layer,

a) if your picture is already an oval: select the magic wand tool, and with that click on the part(s) of the picture surrounding the oval.

B) if your picture is not an oval, use the elipse select tool to select the area you want to be your picture. Include the parts of your picture you want to be faded. invert the selection. (ctrl-I)

(at this point, if your oval meets the edges of your picture, go to image->canvas size, and increase the size of your image by 2 pixels vertically and horizontally. Under 'anchor' place the icon in the center box. hit OK. Now your image should not meet the edges of the canvas. You will want to repeat step 1.)

2. make a new layer, set the secondary color to black, and press backspace. This should fill your selected areas with black.

3.go to effects>object>outline object, set the width to half the fading width you want, and the color to secondary. Hit OK.

4. Go to effects>blur>gaussian blur, and enter the fading width you want.

5. create a layer below the faded layer, and fill it with white. Select the faded layer again, and hit merge down. :MergeDown:

6. select all (ctrl-A) on the merged layer and copy. (ctrl-C) make a new picture (ctrl-N) and paste (ctrl-V) the merged layer onto the canvas. Save as yourpicturesnamehere_mask.png

7. go back to your original picture and go to effects>Alpha Mask. hit browse and select yourpicturesnamehere_mask.png. say OK.

hope this helps :)


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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