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Helio Ignite Sig©®


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Oh yeah i got another question 'bout the Helio Sig...

I was wondering how you did the blue gradient... Well, I mean..

I know how to come up with the blue gradient but i was wondering how you blended the blue gradient to the

white flame with the crescent part. 'Cause every time i try to add the blue gradient it overwrites everything.

Did you put everything on separate layers?

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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My attempt...looked neat & had to try it...while doing this I wish there was a 'Repeat steps' option :lol:

Thanks Expiration!

*cough* Ctrl+F *cough*


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I think he mean to make this part:

3.Start near the right of the canvas at around (385,50).

Using a white paintbrush at a width of 20 pixels, click once.

Move your cursor 5 pixels over using the arrow keys, lower the pixel width by 1 using the '[' key, and click once again.

Keep doing this until your pixel width goes down to ten.


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I've worked and worked with this tut. I've struggled learning and here's

my nervous arrow moves and hard to click the mouse without sliding off.

My tail is a little squiggley! but I tried.

How do you make the "cresent thingy"?


Is it me --or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?

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Good job rtargo, although I would suggest adding a little more stretch to the tail, in the 'Stretch' tab of Dents.

As for the crescent shape, I think I drew a curved line using the line/curve tool in a blue-ish cyan color, and then Gaussian blurred it by 1 or 2 pixels, followed by a linear (reflected) transparency gradient from the center to the edge of the canvas (vertically).

Hope this helps!

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Thanks Expiration, I have PDN version 3.3.1 and do not have the "Stretch" tabs in Dents.

Can you tell me where to download it?

Also, I'm having a problem with the "Gaussian blur set at 1 or 2 pixels".

When I click on Gaussian blur, I only see "Radius" option.

I have Gaussian blur+ and the options are: Radius, Channel to blur and Blend Mode.

Am I looking in the wrong place for the pixel settings? Thanks.

Is it me --or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?

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I love this tut... I have one question though. Where's step 5?

Woops. Mis-numbered the steps. :oops:

Thanks for noticing, I'll fix it right away.

Glad you enjoyed my tut!

Thanks Expiration, I have PDN version 3.3.1 and do not have the "Stretch" tabs in Dents.

Can you tell me where to download it?

Also, I'm having a problem with the "Gaussian blur set at 1 or 2 pixels".

When I click on Gaussian blur, I only see "Radius" option.

I have Gaussian blur+ and the options are: Radius, Channel to blur and Blend Mode.

Am I looking in the wrong place for the pixel settings? Thanks.

Hmm, the 'Stretch' Tab is on the Dents plugin when I view it. I'll show you a picture of where it is.


As for the Gaussian blur, the 'Radius' is measured in pixels. Sorry for the confusion. :D

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Expiration, I lucked-up some how on Ed Harvey Effects package

for v3.3 update on 2008-04-14 and found the "Stretch" in his Dents.

Downloaded and also found Weave which I've been looking for.

But, now I have two Dents under Distort....so I'm ready to go.

It had dawned upon me that the Pixels were = to Radius in mine.

Thanks so much for your patience. I'll try not to be so much bother.

Is it me --or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?

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