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An idea for storage

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Hello, This one may be of interest to BoltBait, or one of the other geniuses out there; perhaps it's of no interest whatsovever. I'm creating a video comprised of, mostly, a whole lot of still images. Parts of these images are repeated many times. It occured to me that it would be quite handy if a selected area could be stored for quick retieval. My initial idea is to have a row in the tool bar with a small box that a selcted area could be dragged into with a small icon that can be viewed larger by hovering the mouse over it. Also, when the box is occupied a new box appears beside it ready for the next selection to be stored in. Then, just dragging or clicking a box copies that to the current layer. There could also be a facility to delete that  box if no longer required.

I can see how this could get messy because these storage boxes would need to have a facility to transfer to a new project. (In my case the next still image in the the video.) So perhaps there could be a question when opening a different or new image to transfer these boxes into it; perhaps in the form of "Do you want to copy saved selections into this project?" Other mess would be copy from last project or all projects or even selected projects. Maybe there should also be a project grouping system.

Well, it's just an idea. I'm not a software developer although I come from a computer background, so I realise that there would be a lot of work but also that it is probably possible. I would like to add that I love Paint.Net because it is easy to use and the learning curve isn't too taxing. I wish it were a Vector Graphics app for the only reason of enlargement. I know there is always Inkscape but that's difficult to learn and functions that are used between that and Paint.Net are done in different ways leading to mistakes. If I want to enlarge something I sometimes copy it into Inkscape enlarge it, use SnippintgTool to copy it and transfer that into my Paint.Net project. Bit long winded but it works for me. Well, that's all beside the point and a digression.

That's it, really.


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54 minutes ago, PlainoldTony said:

I wish it were a Vector Graphics app for the only reason of enlargement.
If I want to enlarge something I sometimes copy it into Inkscape enlarge it, use Snipping Tool to copy it and transfer that into my Paint.Net project.

This seems long winded and is likely unnecessary. Could you show an example of what you want to enlarge please and I'm sure people will be able to help you.

[Topic moved from Plugin Developer's Central to the Paint.NET Discussion and Questions forum]

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So you want ... clipart?


Just save selected "clips" into a specific folder, and then pin that folder to the Quick Access section of Explorer. Then use Layers -> Import From File, and/or drag-and-drop files from that folder into PDN when you want them.


In any case, sorry but no -- I won't be adding this.

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