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I was wondering if perhaps some of the toolbars/foating palettes/windows, like history, colour, layers, tools, etc. could be docked on sides of the window (even better if auto-hidden so easily accessible when you need them) I know they can be dragged/anchored to a location/corner/edge of the window, but docked does something similar to that too - it's more a convenience thing...  but it gives you the ability to see more of your picture - which is kind of what you want right - if you value your screen real estate so to speak... just a thought... 


Hi @ForgeAus welcome to the forum.

Just a thought...

Could you take a moment to read the Forum Rules (see the link at top right of the page).

Please note in particular:

    #1 Before you ask for or about ANYTHING

    Hint: Please do a forum search for the word Docked and then do some reading.



     #6 Thread titles must be descriptive and specific -- NOT generic

     I've changed the title from your generic "feature request?", which doesn't help anyone when searching.


I don't want to dissuade you from making suggestions or asking questions if you need help, but lots of people will now have taken time to read your post on a topic that has been well covered before.





  • Tactilis changed the title to Feature request - Docked tools, history, color, layers windows

ok apologies, uh feel free to delete my post if it's causing any issues, but I did check and there is something about "wrong window docking positions" or something to that effect, I think it has a different sense of the term docking than I intended though... I was more talking about having an option for those "flyouts" or tool palettes or whatever you want to call them to be embedded in a side-pane of the main application window, that can auto-hide ... so you can mouse over to the side or click on a grip to open them as necessary, that allows you to see more of the image you are working with, because there's less (or no) floating windows on your image that way... while still retaining accessibility to such tools... at least that's the concept... you guys might not think it's such a good idea, I don't know... 

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