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Help with applying a layer blending mode

Go to solution Solved by Pixey,

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Hello, I'm trying to replicate some visuals present in the title cards of a game I play, but I'm having issues with dealing with the layers I'm creating to do such.

The visuals consist of a bold font with a gradient applied to them, so I've created a layer with the text, and above it a layer with the gradient.

I've set the gradient to "Lighten" mode as it left the least amount of color noise, but when I tried to apply it to the text, it instead just covered everything, erasing the text.

And I have also tried using the Magic Wand tool to try and make it apply the layer only over the text, but the end result is very "crispy" if compared to how it looks normally.

Is there something I'm missing? What am I supposed to do in this scenario?




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7 minutes ago, Astraziel said:

s there something I'm missing? What am I supposed to do in this scenario?


1.  Put the text on its own layer.

2. Select the text on Flood Mode Global.

3.  Invert Selection.

4. Move to gradient layer and hit delete.




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1 hour ago, Pixey said:


1.  Put the text on its own layer.

2. Select the text on Flood Mode Global.

3.  Invert Selection.

4. Move to gradient layer and hit delete.




Hello, pardon my lateness.

I've tried following your instructions, but the text still appears very jagged and sharp, while I am looking for a smoother look.

Thanks for the help, though.


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