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Per Monitor DPI Aware

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Please make Paint.Net Per Monitor V2 aware. The goal is that for users with several monitors, one normal DPI and the other High DPI, when the app is moved from monitor to monitor adjusts itself to the DPI of the monitor and looks crisp on all monitors.


If there is already a setting to do this, I apologize for spamming - searching for DPI in the context of Paint.Net returns quite a few hits and I may have missed a posting or two.



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Hi @todor-dk,


Although PerMonitorV2 can be enabled in WinForms, it's not actually well supported. Many controls will recalculate their sizes incorrectly, and the the UI becomes unusable.


Fixing the PerMonitorV2 bugs remains a priority for WinForms team/contributors, so hopefully it will be in a good state when dotnet 8 is released in November.



(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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