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how to somooten the edge???

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whenver I create any image with rounded corners I always get the edge at corners jagged. this makes the whole image's look uneven.

1 how to smooth out the edges? is there any plugin for?

2 is there any way to make any images surrounded by stylish border which automatically fit according to image outline. I mean how to wrap up a border of some style around any image??

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1) There are a few plugins available that would help. Have a search around for Basic Anti-Alias, Antialias and Feather plugins. All three smoothen rough edges, but all three do it differently - for instance, the Antialias plugin sports more customisation for the effect than Basic Anti-Alias does.

2) Once again, search for plugins with the name 'border' in them.

With search, you can specify which Forum section to look in (so the Plugins board would be appropriate), and to display as topics or posts; I would opt for topics to find the relevant material quicker.

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i am just playing around number of plugins you have suggested, may be the way I am doing is wrong but after all i can't make the rounded corners smooth. it rather looks like plugins doesn't make any changes.

please, in case i am doing in a wrong way not sure though, but give me the exact link for a single plug in that can smooth out the edges.

and for borders also

thanks in advance

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Are you using the effects on the layer with the rounded corners? Also, have your corners transparent areas around them, as in, you can see the chequerboard pattern? If not, then no plugin will work for smoothing them.

i am just playing around number of plugins you have suggested...
If you're doing that, then I'm confident you have the right ones. However, I will link you to them anyway, just because I'm that kind of guy ;).

Basic Anti-alias;



Broders N' Shapes.

If you still cannot get these to work, providing us with the image in question would be most marvellous.

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Are you using the effects on the layer with the rounded corners? Also, have your corners transparent areas around them, as in, you can see the chequerboard pattern? If not, then no plugin will work for smoothing them.

you mean....the image to smooth out, should be in a sepreat layer and the background should be transparent??

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Chances are, it would be best. However the image is constructed, none of the smoothing plugins will work if there is no transparency.

You can always flatten the layers afterwards if you want only one layer to your image.

Although, you don't even have to use a plugin to smooth edges out. I for one occasionally use the Line / Curve tool, in the same colour as the area I want to smooth, and draw around the edge of corners. If you place it correctly, you won't notice anything out of the ordinary... except a nice smooth edge.

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by the way.....how much streangth of alias should be used to smoothen the edge.

well......what ever you have suggested me for, is really so helpful.

as you have told that surrounding a image by line tools make its edges smooth , but i am having problem for curved shapes as i cant outline the target shape using curve tool. cause there are some limited point on the line to make it fix in the target shapes.

and thanks BoltBait , this is what i was looking for

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guys, please help me out smoothing the edges of the image posted here. please don't get me wrong that I didn't try it myself.

I have been trying to smoothen out the edges for many hours, but still couldn't get success.

one more problem, the images always get it's size of canvas under which it has been made. consequently, i always having problem with rounded corner images cause i can't crop it out as required. at the corners the unwanted background still persist.

any suggestion?

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Without transparency I had to use the Line / Curve tool to reconstruct the inner corners.

For the transparent background, for speed, I used the Magic Wand, Basic Anti-alias to smooth as much as possible then the Line / Curve tool once more for the outer corners.

Have fun.


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I am sorry if i am making you tired out of this,

but, would you mind to put the steps that you have taken. here without transparency I can't wrap the curve up around the curve of the corners properly using line/curve tool. I don't know how do you do this.

and i can't get your second point thats is with transparency. please right your steps here one by one.

thanks in advance

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I am sorry if i am making you tired out of this
Don't worry about that.

To keep this simple, I've posted an image below illustrating the steps I took with the Line / Curve tool, as this might be easier for you to follow. Each image has a number assigned to it, and that number corresponds to the notes above it. With luck, this will help you more than me rattling off instructions like a crazed monkey.

Okay, before we start, I'm showing this technique on the top-left corner of the image, at a zoom level of 500%. This is so you can see what's happening and because it's more practical to work closer in.

  1. [*:3r8e0v6b]With the Color Picker, select the pixels in-line to where you want to apply the Line tool. We need it to be the same colour for it to match and blend in, so try your best to choose a pixel right beside;
    [*:3r8e0v6b]here we can use the Line tool: I have it at a width of 1 pixel, but it's dependant on the case. 1 seemed to fit really well here.
    You'll want to draw from one edge of the corner to the next. Can you see where the red arrows point? Something like will do quite fine.
    [*:3r8e0v6b]using the right mouse button, adjust the line with the nubs (those tiny flashing squares on the line) until you see it blend with the corner very smoothly. You'll want to be careful when manipulating the line so not to show too much of the corner underneath, whilst also keeping in mind to match the curve of corner.
    You can use the left mouse button to do this, but the right-hand, as you will notice, produces a smooth, natural curve to the line.
    This might take some time, so don't panic if you don't get it right the first time. Undo the line and start again.
    [*:3r8e0v6b]click the Esc or Enter key on your keyboard to finalise your line. This last picture compares the left-hand corner we've been working on with the right-hand one, which has had nothing done to it at all.

You can always check out the Help Files for the Line / Curve tool, plus the others, if you want to find out more: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html.

Does any of this help you? If it does, we'll move onto the transparent background - there's an easy tutorial for this, but I don't want to bombard you with everything at once.


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