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Request: Option to configure priority in 'Save as type' list

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Something which I know has been asked for before on more than one occasion is the ability to change which file format Paint.Net saves to as the default. I've read the arguments against allowing this. Yes, there are several very good reasons for making the default PNG (or PDN for multi-layered images) instead of something like, say, JPEG. Granted, using JPEG means our image loses fidelity each time we save it and it is unable to preserve transparency or the layer structure. Granted, PNG is lossless and boasts other features like transparency and support for larger images.


However, there are a great many users of Paint.Net today who use it in various ways. Some of us must primarily deal with a certain file format, over and over again, almost exclusively. And I'd point out that even an image editor as archaic and primitive as MS Paint has ways to change and quickly bypass the default file format, include a way to configure a keyboard shortcut to save as a specific file type. Saving in a format other than PNG or PDN may not be recommended for most situations. But is that, by itself, a good enough reason to not implement a way to change the default - even for users who know the pros and cons?


Also, Paint.Net will, by default, put the file format an image was loaded from as the default at the top of the 'Save as type' list. So, for example, if a JPEG image was loaded, then JPG will be at the top of that list.


However, there are many user-created plugins available which add support for many new image formats. Further, there exists several plugins which are variations of formats that Paint.Net supports natively. For instance, there are plugins for GIF (16 color), GIF (low color), PNG (low color), Tiff (low color), Optimized JPEG and Optimized PNG. Unfortunately, while I often use these plugins, most are nowhere near the top of my 'Save as type' list. Rather, they're around the middle or even near the bottom.


I have so many of these plugins installed that my 'Save as type' list is very long - so long that I have to scroll way down to reach the bottom. Also, I find myself needing to load and re-save hundreds of images a day merely to change something, such as to crop, resize and/or change the file format. And, usually, I save them as JPEG because the loss of quality is acceptable for my use. But, while I usually prefer to save it with an alternative format like Optimized JPEG or PNG (low color), the 'Save as type' always defaults to the standard version based on the extension (standard JPG or PNG).


Finally, I would point out that there must be other users who routinely default to or repeatedly use a lossless, feature-rich format other than PNG or PDN, such as WebP, DDS, Paintshop Pro or Photoshop. I'm sure other users would appreciate being able to either change the 'Save as type' default or, at least, have an option to make it easier. That is, either configure a keyboard shortcut to save as a certain file type or have an option to give priority to certain file formats so they will appear near the top of the list.


If there is no chance of this being implemented as a feature, then: Is it even possible to implement something like this as a plugin?

Edited by Thundercraft
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MS Paint has ways to change and quickly bypass the default file format, include a way to configure a keyboard shortcut to save as a specific file type.


I'm not sure this is true ... MSPaint doesn't have any options at all from what I can see. Can you link to a description of this functionality?


Edit: FWIW I'm not trying to dodge the rest of your writeup, you clearly put a lot of thought into this and I'd like to respond more thoroughly, I just don't have the time/energy at the moment.

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7 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:


I'm not sure this is true ... MSPaint doesn't have any options at all from what I can see. Can you link to a description of this functionality?


Sure. Here (from Stack Overflow): change default file format when saving pictures by MS Paint


The top answer talks about how to configure MS Paint for this. I've tried this and it actually works. And then, a bit further down, others explain how to set up a keyboard shortcut to activate it on the fly. (Though, I don't want to use MS Paint for my daily needs as it lacks the features and support for image formats in Paint.Net that I use.)


The instructions were a bit confusing, but I got it to work by re-reading the instructions several times and following everything the to letter. One of the answers does talk about creating a shortcut on the desktop to start MS Paint. However, while I suppose that alternate solution works, that is not necessary.


Edited by Thundercraft
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