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How to achieve same brightness in multiple photos.

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Hope I explain this well... I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to photo editing of any nature, so I'm really hopeful that this isn't some impossible request. I have seven photographs of various objects, all taken in a light box, that I was hoping to use as thumbnails on a website. Despite my best efforts with the light box, all of them images are just different enough to not look good together... The biggest issue is the background. Every one is a different shade of off-white based on the brightness of the photo. Is there any way to adjust the brightness or contrast or something in a way that each of the images will end up with the same color background?

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Hi @JessycaN

Welcome to the forum.

Without seeing the images it might be hard to tell you the best way.

However, the first thing that comes to mind is to convert them all to B&W then use 1 of several different plugins to find a color adjustment/brightness/contrast that suits your needs. then apply the same settings to all your pictures. 

If in doubt, post 2 images to this thread and you will get several suggestions to accomplish your needs.

Hope this helps to get the ball rolling :)



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Hello again @JessycaN Welcome back :)


I see all your backgrounds come out as a gradient blend of a few light colors. Stack your images in one PDN file that will allow you to see a thumbnail in the layers window.


My first attempt was adjusting brightness/contrast on the second image 10 points at a time. This seemed to work well enough to get it to match the first image. You would have to be the judge. Add 30 brightness to the second image and compare.


For the third image, it got a bit tricky. Place a transparent layer below the image and fill it with a white to light grey gradient. Select the third image layer and change the blend mode to darken. Switch back to the gradient layer and open up brightness/contrast and adjust as necessary. You will have to decide if this works in removing the yellow tinge to the photo as well as matching the brightness. I think it does. It all depends on the colors you select when making the gradient layer. Trial and error always works best.


Perhaps some other regular members will comment on other ways you might accomplish this task.


PS Your images are a bit too large for the forum. You need to post them to a free image hosting website and provide the links in this forum.

But that's another issue.


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Ok I think I got it lol. I ended up separating the backgrounds from the objects, then converting the background to black & white, then adjusted the brightness separately, lol. 


Does this work for uploads? I don't really use image hosting except for my dropbox lolol.



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