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3D Square-shaped brush ?

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1. Download a copper / bronze texture image or create your own by adjusting one of the many metal / chrome tutorials on this forum.

2. Create a new image, import your copper texture on a new layer.

3. Use the Shape Tool on Shape Outline mode to draw some ellipses, one per layer. Set brush size to a thick-ish size. In my example I used size 20.



4. On each ellipse shape layer, use Switch Alpha to Gray plugin, found on BoltBait's Plugin Pack, to create shape masks, "tick" the "Invert" option. "Untick" each mask layer to make it invisible.Ā 


Ā JaF6xxK.png

5. Copy the texture layer as many times as you have mask layers.

6. Use the Alpha Mask plugin. (Although it says on the plugin topic that it may not work with the current version of PDN, it works fine for me and this is the plugin shown in my screenshots. You may prefer to use the Paste Alpha plugin in the same BoltBait's pack I linked above). Copy one mask layer on the clipboard at a time and use the plugin on the texture layers, one at a time.



7. Duplicate each texture layer. On the bottom layer of each pair use the Trail plugin found in pyrochild plugins. Set the distance the same value as the brush width set for the Shape Tool in Step 3, set the angle to 270 and "untick" the ""Fade out" option.



8. Set the Blend Mode for the top layer of each pair of texture layers to "Additive" or whatever works best for your particular texture.



9. Merge each pair of texture layers together and use as needed.


Edited by Djisves
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