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Please add more alpha channel tools

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We got Alpha mode for gradients, and that is kinda useful, but anywhere near as useful as it could be.

The problem is that it seems to work in multiplicative way (Once the image is all transparent, you cannot make it opaque even though the color information is still there) and there's no way to edit gradient stops.


Why not add the same alpha/color mode to other tools like Shapes, pencil, fill and paintbrush? (Maybe even Line and Text tools too)

The selected color can be grayscaled when painting the alpha channel, or just use the alpha value of the selected color.


Why not add a basic tool (for example in the "Image" menu) to swap 2 color channels?

Or perhaps a right click option for layers to copy a channel from 1 layer to a channel on another layer?


These features don't seem that hard to implement and will be very useful for power users out there who need them.


And a gradient stop selection would be useful as well, even it if is just between the 2 selected colors, just being able to make a circle with fading out edges rather than just a big radial gradient would be useful.

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23 minutes ago, UseOAuthPlease said:

Once the image is all transparent, you cannot make it opaque even though the color information is still there


Install my plugin pack.  In it, you'll find "Adjustments > Transparency" which will do what you want.


24 minutes ago, UseOAuthPlease said:

Why not add a basic tool (for example in the "Image" menu) to swap 2 color channels?

Or perhaps a right click option for layers to copy a channel from 1 layer to a channel on another layer?


Install pyrochild's Curves+ plugin.  It can do all sorts of stuff like this.


25 minutes ago, UseOAuthPlease said:

These features don't seem that hard to implement


Never presume. Seriously, the source code to Paint.NET is a complicated beast.  Adding even the simplest function is sometimes quite complicated.


27 minutes ago, UseOAuthPlease said:

useful for power users out there who need them


Rick, the developer, has to balance the difficulty of adding a feature by how many people will use it.


28 minutes ago, UseOAuthPlease said:

And a gradient stop selection would be useful as well, even it if is just between the 2 selected colors, just being able to make a circle with fading out edges rather than just a big radial gradient would be useful.


It seems to me that you're not using plugins.  If that's true, you're missing out on half the power of Paint.NET.


After installing my plugin pack (link in sig), try looking around the plugin forum for other cool stuff.  Plugins really are the icing on the Paint.NET cake.

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