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Whenever I try to resize an image, the default option is 'By absolute size'. Is it possible to change this to default to 'By percentage' instead?


I'm about to do a mass resizing of 100+ images by percentage, so if this is possible it would save me a click each time.




Sorry, this isn't possible.


However, keyboard shortcuts make this pretty good. If you press Alt+B it will jump to the By Percentage and you can type in the % you want.


So let's say you're doing many images and resizing them all to 350%. You would do something like:


First, copy "350" to the clipboard (select it and press Ctrl+C)

Navigate to image #1

loop starts here:

Ctrl+R (Image -> Resize)

Alt+B (By Percentage)

Ctrl+V (Paste 350 into the text field)

Enter (the same as clicking OK)

... wait for Resize to finish ...

Ctrl+Tab (go to next image)

go back to "loop starts here" and repeat as many times as needed


It's a bit of a grind but it's not so bad. There are also some really good batch image processor programs out there that may be better for this than Paint.NET.

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