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Change picture color from dark colors to light colors

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I know that you can change colors of a picture with the color adjust or with the overlayer effect, but those techniques work well with light colors, but with dark colors the result is always bad. There is a nice video how to do it with photoshop (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jhYDiT15Ps), but I couldn't find anything similar for paint.net. Is there a tutorial how to do it in paint.net? For example from dark hair to blonde hair, or from dark brown eyes to light blue eyes?

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Hi there @spamme


Welcome to the forum.


Here's one way for changing eye color. It will lead you to other videos of different ways of doing it.

It really depends on how professional you want your images to look.

The tools that were used in your video are all in PaintNet  They can be applied to different layers of your photo.




Hope it helps


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Thanks, but this is again an example how to change color from a light color. Those techniques give bad results, when you want to change from a dark color to a light color, like from a dark brown to light blue. Is there a tutorial how to change color from dark to light?

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