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Connection to Projec t Dogwaffle? Lua Scripting?

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Heya, I was wondering if any developers here can find an interest in adding a button "Send to Dogwaffle" that would connect to dogwaffle which runs as an active X server, and send the current image to Dogwaffle. Or "Get from Dogwaffle" to do the same in the other direction.

There's a free SDK to make your own standalone programs behave like 'plugins' or simp[ly be able to establish a connection to Dogwaffle, and mess with the image buffer, brushes and animation frames.


There are several developers who have done so, and added to their prior existing applications the ability thus to exchange images with Dogwaffle.


One of them is by Marco Pontello and it adds a gluas/LUA scripting front end to make new filters and exchange them with lua filters coming from the GIMP and Artweaver.

It would be awesome if Paint.net had a Lua scripting capability to make more filters and share with ours. http://www.thebest3d.com/dogwaffle/lua

Note that we've also added a GUI server which allows for the lua plugin to present dialogs with color pickers, sliders, menus etc... so that a LUA script isn't limited to running as a batch process but can indeed have user interaction.

Anyone working on Lua scripting for Paint.net yet?

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