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Posts posted by hamwizard

  1. What would make sense is something I've been seeing more and more of in other apps (e.g. Visual Studio, Blend, uTorrent): Right click -> Open Containing Folder. This would launch a Windows Explorer window with the selection already parked on the item. Then you can press delete or issue other commands.

    If it highlights the specific file I currently have in the foreground, it's awkward but usable.

  2. I've adapted to closing files and deleting them through windows explorer...or even closing them, pressing ctrl+o, and deleting them from the "open file" menu.


    It's not particularly time consuming, seeing as how you can delete multiple files at once.

    Interesting that you yourself have adapted to a workaround - it seems you too could do with the CTRL-DEL functionality I mention then, no?

  3. The problem as I mentioned is, in PSP, say I'm working on a set of 15 snaps I took all of the same thing, perhaps just a person?


    Straight off the bat, 6 of them are just blurry, aligned wrong, useless - these files are no good to me.  I simply hit CTRL-DEL - get rid of it, I end up with only the files remaining to clean up and actually save.


    Sure fulll file browser functionality is silly and not required at all, but considering we have file open,save, saveas, acquire and so on, is it so unreasonable to have "delete current file"  (Warning, this will close and delete currently open file, Y / N)   



    EDIT: Followup

    The other thing is, yes it's not a traditional feature one would demand or expect in all graphics applications but it is a convienient tool meaning the user need not alt tab and switch between other apps to get things done. 

  4. Rick, is there any chance you could give some thoughts to the file deletion option under say the file menu?   I can adapt to CTRL-TAB to change files, as at least the functionality is there but not being able to delete from within my graphics app really changes my workflow (I open dozens of pics taken with a camera at a time, then just delete the terrible ones straight out of the directory to save time)


    I'd think it'd be fairly small code, I can donate if required


    - Thanks

  5. It is definitely, I could probably adjust to it but it'd be nice to be able to have it as standard.  I asked in the plugin forum - do you think a plugin to do this would even be possible?     Also the file deletion - I got the impression from the developer above he's flat out not interested.  I guess it's his program, his choice  - of course but I'd like to see a system like this used for new features.

    http://cdburnerxp.uservoice.com/forums/165656-feature-requests  (I emailed a Dev about  Cdburner XP and they linked me to that, I quite like it)


    Anyhow, as it stands I basically need to keep the 2 apps, I can just do so much, so quickly with PSP5, especially sorting and resizing files, that delete is priceless to me.

  6. Hello,


    Yep, I know this is a silly thing to post about but it's frustrating.

    Windows standard hotkeys for most complying applications are "CTRL-F6" = switch windows / open files.

    Example, open MS Word and 5 word documents, hold down CTRL-F6, it will cycle through them

    Same with Paint Shop Pro and many other apps.


    These keys are really,.. well standard.

    CTRL-F4  - close current Window (you do this correctly)

    ALT-F4 - close app entirely (you can't not do this, it's built into WindowS)

    ALF-F file menu (yep, got this correct)

    and so on


    but I've had this installed about 5 minutes and I already miss CTRL-F6

    I assume I'm probably the only person who has ever asked for this but do, please consider.




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