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Everything posted by mouseandmask

  1. is still not working now it actually didnt give me the optoin to unblock it on the har drive or on the pc (edited) actually the plugin that wont work is the align tool but 3d shape is working just fine i do not have to put it in a drive i just put it in the effect folder and do not have to unblock it at all and it works constantly
  2. :AntiAliasingOff: how to add logos and designs to cloths in paint so it looks almost real on the shirts and jackets and pants. it would be major help
  3. ok im new and i get how to use the plugin and where to put it and unblock it and im running the newest version of paint.net but everytime before i start paint.net i have to unblock all my plugins is their anyway i can just make them be peramentally be unblocked so i dont have to this constantly and if its posted in the forum im srry i couldnt look through 30 more pages
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