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Posts posted by Aislin

  1. No matter how I've tried today I can't manage to install v.3.5. It keeps telling me that an error occurred while downloading the setup package and so, instead of dying young, I've finally just thrown my hands up in the air. I'd still like to try the smudge tool though. Is it possible?

    Then ask for help in the troubleshooting section. There's a specific rule against asking for help with an old version.

    I have the same problem, I have the new PDN version, but smudge doesn't work on the new one (no way I'm getting back the old one, but it's still weird)

  2. And what's up with the writing? It kinda ruins the whole pic...

    if you left the writing out of it, it would be looking much better then it is now... it's a bit too much..... but the white/blue part in the left upper corner looks nice tho

  3. here is my entry. I used an image as example, but the final image is 100% PDN (made with graphic tablet) so it is handdrawn, nothing copy/past past work. First I drew the sketch for the bike, I colored it on an other layer - more layers for shadows/highlights + a lot of gaussianblur.

    the Image I used as an example:


    EDIT: sorry for the edit, here is a link where you can see the PDN version... Altho I merged some layers down by accident, lol.. have fun looking at it :wink: http://www.vincentvoois.com/aislin/motor.pdn

    My final sig:


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