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Posts posted by St.Jim

  1. Would it be possible to have a voting poll (like on youtube, were you could select a radio button at the end of the article, so that it doesn't clutter so much) then put that in the title somewhere - so people know which are good plugins, or tutorials and can steer clear of ones that have a good name, but do nothing.

    Name: Shape 3D (5 star) more people would look at that plugin than one which has 1 star.

  2. That's assuming all of the red is in one block.

    Yes, which is very unlikely :P I guess if someone had the time they could make a plugin that does this for you but I don't think many people would use it, so I doubt it will ever be made.

    Oh, you could do 2 rectangualr selections or more, just do one, then the other then add them together (%) :D

  3. You could.... I guess (if you are measuring the % of red in a square) you could do it a hard way (if anyone has better, reply and put me to shame.)

    drag your selection down to the bottom of your red for example, then look at the "bounding rectangle size," multiply the width by the height, then the width by the height of the whole canvas. Then divide the larger by the smaller and multipy that by 100. Simple!

    (Canvas width*Canvas height)/(Selection width*Selection height)*100

    (800*600)/(800*432)*100 = 72% red pixels (but this ONLY works for SQUARES if not then there is no other way than to manually count them :wink:)

  4. Interesting, but you do need to have a large enough screen to fit that on and your image (otherwise it can be quite hard to see - like me with my 15.4" screen ^^)

    @pstein: Rick Brewster said that there wasn't going to be a ribbon interface like office 2007 or intergration into the top toolbars. A good idea would be to have just the top of the toolbar (i.e. the bit with name on it) and when you hover over it, it drops down, check out this thread - Popular features request.

  5. Are you sure you just didn't delete the shortcut to PDN? Just create a new shortcut on your desktop with the destination to "C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe"

    Or you could have partially removed some of the files from PDN (highly unlikely) or something might have accidenlty been moved. Just go to your control panel and "Add or remove programs" Unintall PDN then try again.

    Just one thing, the question should have been, Gah! My PDN Won't re-install! :D Good luck!

  6. Tip: Watch the video (It may help a bit)

    All you have to do is (as you did in the beginning) is select the colour replacer tool and choose your primary colour as the colour you want your tect to become (the yellow bit on my example.)

    Then just select the gradient tool and click once on the square with differnt colours on it (look at the location of this in the tutorial) and selcet the icon with a circle inside it (circular gradient) then jsut drag it from the centre. :D

  7. I really like that ice cube of yours! :D do you use Shape3D or something or completely "by hand"?

    It was done using shape 3D and i used median and alpha masks to create it. I have had a tutorial request but i need to find a way to reproduce it easily (because the way i made it was very complicated :S)

    Olav, im liking the glass beakers, how did you make the glass?

  8. When i finish a work, or need comments or feedback on something i dont feel is acceptable, i always post a topic, where i explain what i did, and ask what people think. Sharing information is the best way to get information back. :)

    EDIT: Cool, i really like your result. How did you do it?

    How I did it? Simple! Just use shape 3d and render a square set to hte angle i used, then median it so its rounded edges and render annother cube inside of it and jsut change th blend layers. (unless you want a full blown tutorial ;))

  9. All i mean by the colour replacer is to keep everthing as it is but under the drop down menu at the top right marked "brush width" change it to something larger so that you can go over it in 1 swipe of the mouse rather than filling it in for an infinitively long time.

  10. Something keeps going wrong when i try to do it, evrything work's fine until i get up to the bit where you start the gradient thing.

    i'm following the instructions perefectly but still i go wrong...please help lol

    Okay, sorry but can you provide some screenshots of whats gone wrong (i.e. before you have done the gradient and after) thx

  11. Not trying to bump my topic, but a guy called Atso contacted me via sky-drive with this message:

    Hi, I was wondering a thing... I tried to work on your tutorial, because it looks very nice. I dled the needed plugins. But I failed at the first part :D.

    You say "Duplicate the text layer ( )(naming the duplicate text2) Then select the colour replacer tool (standard settings + large brush, 90 or so) with Primary colour White, Secondary Balck. This will look like this:"

    I can't seem to find this colour replacer tool... Do I need to get it separate? Im running with pdn version 3.35


    Now normally I wouldn't post this for the sake of posting it, but he has set his account so that it cannot recieve any messages, so I hope you can get your answer here!

    Strictly speaking the Colour Replacer isn't realy called that, its called Recolour, 8th down on the right of the tools window.

    Hope this answers your question, St.Jim

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