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Mr Frojo

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Posts posted by Mr Frojo

  1. The more experienced you become with this program, the better you will get. To pull of some pretty nice stuff like those textures though, you will need to work hard at it. There wont be some little tutorial that will get it all done.

    And also, any graphics editor can create textures like that. It depends on how easy and how long it would take to create them though. To make something like that in ms paint would take days or weeks, while it wouldnt take nearly as long to make something like that in photoshop. But also, experience will let you pull of better things faster.

  2. There is no plugin to do this, but loads of tutorials. It sounds like you messed up on one of the steps on the tutorial to end up with that result. You should post your result there and ask where you went wrong instead of creating a new thread.

  3. Is word freeware?

    Its not paint.nets fault that you have a bad font. If you want to use this program, your going to have to find out which one it is. What I would do is to go through and delete all of the fonts that you would never use, because that might contain the bad font. Also, it really slows paint.net down if you have too many fonts installed.

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