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William Bokunic

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Everything posted by William Bokunic

  1. Sure I guess. But exploading can occur (in Scifi lol). >.>
  2. Hm... Well it's just intended to be the sun breaking through some asteroids. And from the point of view on the picture, since the sun is behind the asteroids all you see it their black shape as shwon below of a real picture of an object infront of the sun: I was just trying to stay realistic with it, guess I didn't =/ Edit: It can alsmo be en exploading planet now that I look at it >.>
  3. Lol, well I know the meaning :-p I just wanted to know why he felt that it was rubbish (besides the fact that there's fllying debris withint the picture which may be called rubbish) >.>
  4. The first one is just a few pictures blended together using different blending techniques (I was reading a photoshop tutorial on how to make cool forum signatures and decided to take some of its ideas and use them in Paint.NET) >.> I used the grid tool for the checkers though, I though they looked cool in there, I just had to erase parts of them. And MegaNight, what do you mean rubbish....?
  5. Here's a another wallpaper that I made: It's the sun breaking through some flying debris.
  6. Artistically it does. But I believe we're trying to recreate (to the closest degree) the picture that Janet posted :-p
  7. Lol. Well, I figured out how to do it for this so I understand what I was saying a bit more (probably). Given a bit more time I'm sure you'd be doing better ^_^ I was aiming for more curves and lacked the straight lines, which you did. So combine them both and you'll be making a more accurate remake of it.
  8. Here's my attempt, but I think it sucks =/
  9. Oh. I joined when 3.0 was out, I've never used 2.7. Sorry for not knowing that Janet, I hope you have 3.0 +
  10. No problem :-p I'm just sorry that I can't tell you how to do the same swirls exactly as what's done in your example =/
  11. Well it can't be done exactly, but something very similar can be achieved. You'll need this plugin. Start out by creating a new image. Next create a new layer and select a color from the color palette. Then use the Line/Curve tool (near the bottom of the Tools palette) and draw a line in the center of this new layer. Next goto Effects>Distort>Twist. Then play around with the "Twisting amount" setting, though don't make it go to far from the center, as that'll create a ton of twists when you're looking for parts of a twist or one whole twice. Repeat this process and keep modifying the twisting amount and direction of the line when you draw it (each on a different layer). Then you can flatten the image or merge all the lines to move them all at once. The final product won't be completely exact, but close to it. You can then use different blending techniques to make it look much better. It should also be noted that changing the size of the line (before you draw it that is), you can create more bold lines, such like the ones in your example.
  12. Here's another way: Download the Alpha Mask plugin (right-click and "Save As") and install it. Then open up Paint.NET and create a new image. Then render some clouds. Next go to Effects>Alpha Mask and select the "Invert" option. Then click "OK" and now only the black will be visible. If you want the white visible then don't select "Invert." I love that this program has several ways of doing something :-p
  13. Well some good can come from not sticking to the same proportions, such as if shrinking it/enlarging it in only one direction is used for blending with another image, it can create a pretty cool effect. Though if you just mean resizing pictures for tutorials on this board and the like, than proportions it is :-p
  14. Yeah, I'm exactly like that whenever I decide to program some sort of small scale game. "Okay, the magic system is in, I am never going to design a spell that goes outside of it!"
  15. Another method would be using the magic wand and Lasso to select around images (you can hold CTRL and continuously lasso certain parts, let go of the mouse and then start and select a different area and right click and hold while selecting to remove certain areas).
  16. Step 2: Well for image blending, the gradient tool is god. It has a nice little function called alpha blending. First have the image you want to blend over the layer with the main background. Then select the gradient tool: ...and select one of the various different shapes to gradient: Next click on the down arrow on the colorful box next to it and select "Transparency Mode:" And finally click and hold on the part of the image you want to be on the background layer (blended in) and drag away from that point to get part of that image to b e visible and fade into the background layer: And you're done ^_^ (Edit: Sorry Pic, I was typing this before you posted and didn't know that you had posted when I made this =/)
  17. Gahh I still can't put it right >.< (lol) Yeah, so much math that to do any kind of hardcore Digital Photography editing that a minimum of a 2 GHz processor is basically required lol. Plus having to type all that and then maybe end up finding errors and then having to locate where exactly that error is x.x Headaches (especially if there's dozens of lines of code).
  18. You put it much better than myself lol. The super sampling bit you mentioned actually described exactly what I meant by blurring the pixels (as in blurring all the colors of the four pixels into one), or atleast that's what I think was what you were saying. (Edit: I was typing this before you posted the links.)
  19. Okay, it's fairly simple actually. Let's use your example of an 800x800 pixel image being reduced to 200x200. The simple part? The mathematics involved, 800/200 = 4. This means that if you shrink the image 800x800 to 200x800, the first of every four pixels horizontally is kept, and the remaining three are deleted (or blurred into the picture for some programs). So naturally you'll lose a lot of color and detail from this, and it's even worse when you don't stay to proportions. Now this changes with the resolution. I'm used to dealing with 500+ resolution images, but if you're dealing with the standard ( 78 ) this will affect you far more than myself. Another theory that may come from this is that instead of the first of the four, it's a randomly picked pixel of the four and then it goes on to the next column and so on. I'm not 100% sure on this, but this would be the more logical approach if one had to assume what resizing actually does.
  20. Yeah, I was contemplating whether or not to just remove it and put the menu on the top, below the logo and title.
  21. I'm planning on starting a website full of tutorials and links to all the plugins on this forum (making it easier to download them all instead of going to every page manually to get them), as well as various tutorials from myself and whomever wishes me to post their's on the website once it's done. The text on the side bar will obviously change, probably to look more like the title bar's text as that looks pretty cool :-p Here's a link to a screen shot of it: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y247/P ... ebsite.jpg (May need to shrink if the image is too large). Personal Note: Like the adobe rip for Paint.NET? (The eye in the corner.)
  22. Yeah, I think the stress was getting to me last week because of final exams at my school. And thanks for the 10/10 ^_^
  23. Nice one... When will you add the xmas carols ? Thanks, but what do you mean about the "Xmas carols?" I'm a bit slow at these things :-p
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